Home/AR City Tour

AR City Tour

Welcome traveler!

Join us on an exciting Augmented Reality tour through the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

The route runs from the Parade via the city center to the Tramkade. You will see the city as you have never seen it before. All you need is your mobile phone (modern model) with enough memory.

Get ready!

Download the Augmented Reality app Fectar.

Succeeded? You are good to go!

Open the Fectar app and use this roomcode in Fectar to find the map in AR: BXMNF

This will take you straight to the map of the route containing the first route instruction and all location markers with links to the AR works. The starting point of the route is Parade. Follow the route instructions written with the AR works or follow the route on the map in the app.

Here and there are AR artworks that – so it seems – always belong there. Bring them to life, get closer and have your picture taken. Go on a journey of discovery and be surprised!

If technology does not cooperate, check out impossiblebodies.nl for help!

Find these artworks

  • Battle Mech / Jelle de Graaf
  • Project Face Design / Marsha Wichers
  • The Anatomy Lesson: Dissecting Medical Futures / Agi Haines
  • Microbial Vending Machine / Emma van der Leest
  • Consequences (Cadavre Exquis) / Viviane Sassen
  • F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) / Redouan Ait Chitt
  • <Face to Face> / Ningli Zhu
  • Earthly.ai / Studio of Earthly Matters
  • Memorándum / Héctor Zamora   
  • Sound Palette / Neil Harbisson