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Labyrinth Psychotica

The Anoiksis Experience

(The Netherlands, 2020)
Mixed reality film, world première

Location: virtual environment

Recent research suggests that 1 in 13 people may have a psychotic experience before the age of 75. What is it like to be in psychosis? What is it like to live in a waking dream state where realities are constructed between literal and metaphorical thoughts? What is it like to be hypersensitive and hear or see things that others do not? All while functioning in the ‘real world’?

Understanding psychosis is hard. Labyrinth Psychotica has dedicated the last 14 years to researching, developing, building, and helping people to learn about psychosis in the most direct way: through the senses, and with artworks that form a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical experience of psychosis. The Anoiksis Experience by Jennifer Kanary and Labyrinth Psychotica is a new wearable psychosis simulation mixed reality experience: Enter ‘The Waiting Room’ and choose your journey. Your feedback will make a valuable contribution to our research.

Publiek: Volwassenen
Toegankelijk voor mensen met een auditieve en visuele beperking.


Jennifer Kanary and Team Labyrinth Psychotica: Jolijn Friederchs, Tim Knoote, Suleika El Fassi, Megan Mateer, Dora Groothof, Marie-Anne Soyez, and more… www.labyrinthpsychotica.org

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