Noam Youngrak Son
Money in Vivo
(The Netherlands, 2020)
Film, Dutch première
Duration: 35 min.
Location: virtual environment and live online film screening

What if goods and services could be purchased with a virus? Money in Vivo takes place in the post-COVID-19 fictional world, in which viruses function as the currency. In this economic system, payments are made by the exchange of viruses through virus glands, an organ that has evolved to store and share this new bio-currency. A virus is a living form of capital. Noam Youngrak Son invited four fictional guests from various social contexts into a speculative talk show. They share their different experiences and tell how they have dealt with the inequality emerged from the virus economy.
Money in Vivo is a short film in our virtuele omgeving, and is a live online performance with Q+A with Noam op 30 oktober.
Audience: All ages
The video is based heavily on verbal conversation, yet it might be difficult to interpret this work without visuals since voices may be unclear at times. However there are English subtitles during the entire conversation, which makes it possible to be understood without hearing.